__1.__What is your idea of happiness?
Friends, champagne and dancing!
__2.__What is your greatest extravagance?
Leaving spontaneously for Canada to go dog sledding with a lover
__3.__What is your first perfume/scent memory?
My father's Vetiver from Carven
__4.__What’s the first perfume you bought?
Vetiver from Guerlain
__5.__What’s your favourite perfume? – only one allowed!
Vetiver from Guerlain
__6.__What’s your favourite smell (not a perfume)?
The smell of a pine forest by the sea in summer

__7.__Tell us your most recent discovery in perfume? (something you’ve fallen in love with, could be a material, or a product)
Geranium oil saved my life!
__8.__Which talent would you most like to have?
To know how to draw and paint
__9.__What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Living the life I dreamt of when I was young
__10.__Where would you most like to live?
Somewhere by the sea, but ... needs to be on the wild side, like Scotland or the Norwegian Lofoten islands

__11.__What is your most treasured possession?
Well I guess it's my kids, although I don't consider they 'belong' to me
__12.__What do you most value in your friends?
A sense of humour and intelligence (which usually work well together)
__13.__What are you watching at the moment? (TV or film etc)
I must admit I have a crush on the Royal Family in The Crown
__14.__What are you reading at the moment?
Broadway from Fab Caro, this guy makes me laugh!
__15.__Which historical figure do you most identify with?
I'm totally hermetical to history, probably because I'd rather live in the present, or the future. But, it would have been interesting to live in the 19th century, meeting Proust, having dinner with Zola and Cezanne. Dream team !

__16.__ And the final word, where do you dream of travelling to?
I'm attracted by cold, wild landscapes. So, to the Lofoten Islands again, or to see beluga whales in the artic ocean is a dream